Tuesday, February 27, 2007


It's 2am and I'm awake. Maybe that's because I went to sleep at 7:30PM tonight. I am REALLY terrible at staying up late. I actually fell asleep before Cameron tonight, which is pretty rare. Steve and I don't really watch too much TV at night because he knows that if it's past 6:30pm, I'll probably fall asleep watching anything (except Judge Judy. Love her.)...so we usually sit up and talk and record our favorite shows so that we can watch them on Thursday and Saturday mornings! So...what does this little brain think about at 2:00am. Hmmm... here is a list!
1. Thinking about my friends and VEGAS in a week.
2. Thinking about my sweet husband and his birthday in 2 days.
3. Thinking about my sons and how precious they are.
4. Thinking about my Cameron's growing vocabulary. Mostly good words. (post coming)
5. Thinking about my parents and my brother
6. Thinking about my sister in PDX (she told me that means Portland)
7. Thinking about work today. I have to remember to order more New Testament Bibles
8. Thinking about my INEVITABLE, RUTHLESS, cramps
9. Thinking about my 6 1/2 month pregnant friend who is working way too much, and trying to figure out how I can take a weekly shift at the Yogurt Mill and Rocky Mountain Chocolate factory for her.
10. Thinking about the fact that it will probably take at least another 2 hours for me to fall back to sleep after I finish this post.



Becky said...

Good morning, Lauren! I wish my phone was on vibrate, I would have answered it and chatted with you for a while. 7:30 bedtime? You must have been exhausted. Between you and Kara, I hope we'll do more than sleep in Vegas!

Kara said...

I love how you have a ton going on in your life and you still want to help me. What a true friend you are!

TK said...

Your sleep hours puzzle me almost as much as Rod's. Not quite but almost.