Monday, February 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom!!

My mom turned a young 47 today!! WOW! I was thinking about her last night before I went to bed, reminding myself to call her first thing in the morning. If it wasn't for my momma, I obviously wouldn't be here, so...thanks mom for that. Here's some other things I'm thankful for.

Thanks, mom...for encouraging me to play softball when I was little.
Thanks, mom... for putting me in public school.
Thanks, mom... for putting up with me and my crappy grades/attitude in High School
Thanks, mom... for letting me stay in the house even when I wasn't going to college.
Thanks, mom... for putting food in our mouths and clothes on our back ALWAYS.
Thanks, mom... for not being a picky eater
Thanks, mom... for having a sensitive heart
Thanks, mom... for letting us go to Eric and Debbie's for Bible study when we were younger
Thanks mom... for always buying us the COOLEST trapper keeper notebooks
Thanks mom... for giving Steve a chance
Thanks mom... for loving my boys the way you do

All of these things have molded me into the person I've become. And, although I'm incredibly flawed, I can honestly say that I LOVE my life. I have peace and a SAVIOR. I love people and... most of all...I LOVE you.

Happy Birthday, Momma!

1 comment:

Kara said...

Very Sweet! I hope I get to meet her someday soon. Sounds like she is wonderful. Of course you would be wonderful too!