Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Claustrophobic and Comfortable

When we decided to move in with Steve's sister, we knew our patience level would need to rise about 75% higher than it is. There were already 7 family members living in the house before we added our four. The first night, I'll have to admit, was stressful. We arrived at the home at about 10PM on Friday night...both of us were tired and soaking wet. Steve had to jet off to work that night, so he left me with my two boys and a trash bag full of clothes. I hardly got any sleep because anytime one of my boys woke up, I was afraid they'd wake up the other boy or everyone else in the house. We had a busy Saturday, and arrived back at his sisters house at around 9:00PM. Everyone was still awake, but we were tired, so we went to sleep. When I woke up the next morning to take Cameron to the bathroom, I opened my door to see 4 baskets of folded CLEAN clothes next to my door. They were all OURS!! Apparently Steve's sister spent the entire day doing our laundry. So, Sunday was better because I could finally change out of the clothes I was wearing for 2 days straight. On Monday we decided to stay home and spend time with the family and let the kids all play together. Cameron and Riley had a GREAT time playing with their cousins, and Steve and I had some productive time to schedule out the rest of our month and pay some bills. We ate some AWESOME porkchops and after the kids went to bed, Steve's nieces and nephews came over and I whipped out the xbox 360. I introduced my sister in law to scrabulous and we all hung out and had an AWESOME time together. When I woke up this morning, I realized that I need to make up for some lost time with Steve's family. They're all incredibly unconditional people and they're just excited that we're living with them for a few more weeks. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm really glad I'm living here for a few more weeks too!

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