Thursday, October 18, 2007

Making Progress...

Last night after I put the boys to sleep, I thought of TWO huge milestones that were made just in the past week! In a book I read a month ago, I learned that I need to be conscious and aware of every moment, as not to miss any of I decided the best way to celebrate the milestones I recognized yesterday would be to mention them here!

Cameron is 90% potty trained!! This means NO diapers in the daytime. Only a pullup at night. I was putting a diaper on him whenever we had to drive somewhere, but he's doing a great job of even being aware in the car. I am a very proud mommy. This was really none of my doing. I have been so incredibly inconsistent with Cameron in this area. About a week ago, Cameron told me he just didn't need his diaper anymore. I agreed that he didn't need it, and after almost 5 days, Cameron is well on his way to being an official "BIG BOY"! He's also very proud of himself!

Riley has officially transitioned to a forward facing car seat, and is walking. The car seat thing ... as small as it seems is sooo much more of a convenience. And the walking...well... not so much of a convenience for me, but a HUGE achievement for Riley boy! He's doing great!

I wouldn't go as far as to say life is easy and smooth sailing...but I can definitely tell you that we're making progress!


TK said...

You and Cameron look like you get lots of quality time together. I bet he loves that. Love that last picture of Riley...very handsome maybe I should show Emmie.

Kara said...

Those are exciting moments! I would even say you sound "refreshed"!

Sarah said...

Ohhhh... that one of the boys walking on the pier... my heart again is in a puddle!!

How are Muffin and Biscuit?? :)I miss them, and need to see them very very soon!!!