Friday, June 22, 2007

Small Group Kudos

About a year and 3 months ago, Steve decided he wanted to start up our own small group. After some prayer about what type of small group we would be, he decided "young engaged and newly marrieds" would be a good demographic for us. So we started out with one other couple besides us, and met in our tiny apartment every Thursday evening. After a couple of weeks a second couple who lived in our complex joined. After a few more weeks, we decided to meet at the bay for the summer, and one of the people in our group invited a couple from work. That couple mentioned the fact that they had a home with a game room and pool and would be willing to host our group AND PROVIDE DINNER weekly!! We started meeting in their home and another couple who inquired about our small group through Journey joined. They invited another couple...who invited their brother and sister in-law to join. And now, over a year's time has gone by our group has grown from 2 people to 12 people coming on a consistent basis. I'd like to think our group is pretty eclectic, and at the beginning I worried about compromising chemistry, but after our study this week, I realized that as each couple joins, our chemistry becomes stronger. Every person has a unique and AMAZING story, and I honestly feel so honored and humbled to know each one of them.

Dave and Annette- Your hospitality, and culinary skills humble me weekly, not to mention your sweet daughters who watch my sons during study every week!

Chris and Rosalinda- Your authenticity and true passion for your lives inspires me.

Jerry and Becky- You guys are a breath of fresh air and have truly added a new dynamic to the group. Thanks for that.

Chris and Brenda- Thanks for being real. I really can't think of anyone who would want their sibling to join their small group. I'm SOOOOO incredibly glad you did. You are such a great example to all of us.

Silas and Cat- You guys live it up. You're my kind of extroverts, involving Christ in every group of friends you have. That's rad.

Jarred and Emily - Soooo honored to be a part of the beginning of your lives TOGETHER!

Reason for this post?
My small group freaking rocks! It just needed to be said!

1 comment:

Steve Faiai said...

Hey babe,

Great post! I couldn't have said it any better.

I love you.