Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Is it Friday Yet?

Today marks the 3rd day of being home with the boys as a part time stay home mom. I'm not going to lie. I'm a stinking wuss. This is hard stuff! Cameron isn't really a huge issue. He has fun doing just about anything, but Riley...HOLY COW. The boy is demanding, and just spoiled as heck! If your mental picture of Riley looks like a sweet, innocent boy, who's had a rough year of life...YOU'VE BEEN DECEIVED!! He's a pistol! And a manipulator! He does crazy things to mess with my brain. Like, the day he decided to grow one tooth. I thought he was soooo cute. It just melted my heart when he'd smile really big and say "da da" with his one little tooth poking out... so...then I'd pick him up to hug and squeeze him and kiss him, and then... I figured out the WHOLE THING was an EVIL TRAP!! Whenever I'd try to put him down he'd SCREAM BLOODY now, whenever he's acting sweet and cute and making sweet noises, I know NOT to pick him up. I just walk by and try not to make eye contact!! Just Kidding...that was all kind of an exaggeration...but just to prove the point that Riley boy has me wrapped around his finger.

I'm definitely looking forward to the day both boys are out of diapers. I know every age comes with it's own challenges...Whatever the case...I'm ready for NEW challenges. Something different than the impossible craziness life feels at the moment!

As tough as it's been, you'll be happy to know that it hasn't been ALL bad! Yesterday Cameron smothered me with sweetness. As we were walking home from Aztec park he even said "Mommy, that was so much fun. Thank you for taking me to the park. Thank you for playing with my friends, and thank you for keeping me safe on the sidewalk." Not only was it a long complete sentence for him to say, but it was just jam packed with all the mush mommies live for!!

The term "La Vida Loca" is an understatement to describe what life is like for me right now...but I'm confident that in a few years I'll be looking back at these days, wishing I could go back! So maybe I should just chill and soak it up for a while! Hmmm...On second thought...Is it Friday yet?


TK said...

From holding Riley at the park today my advice would be this: Put him down somewhere and even if he is screaming go in the bathroom or somewhere quiet and removed and shut the door and pray. Just for a moment or two so God can fill you with the perspective and LOVE you need to give to that baby gift of yours.
Also give him food. Some babies like my second one respond really well to this.

I know you didn't ask for advice but from one mama in the trenches to another I could not resist.

Lindsay Jo said...

You're way better at dealing the boys then I could ever be. I always just started crying when Riley would cry while I was watching him. And remember when cameron hit his head on the glass table and I was crying more than he was? Yeah... you're way better at that mom stuff than I am.

berrytribe said...

Sorry, Friend. "Friday" doesn't arrive until the youngest goes off to Kindergarten. As one mama who is at the end of the "little one" season, I'd remind you to take lots of mental pictures of those sweet ones and this precious time with them. I promise you, it is all over much too soon. But, I remember, oh so clearly, thinking this day would NEVER get here. I blinked-here it is. I'm so proud of what yo are doing with those sweet boys!!

Kristy said...

Lauren a few things to watch out for as a stay at home mom

5. You listen to children’s music even when they are not in the car.

4. Excuse yourself from dinner to go pee-pee in the big potty

3. Call your PJ pants house pants.

2. Remember you haven’t showered yet at 7pm

1. Think Bob the Builder is Handsome

Sarah said...

You are doing soo great!! Hang in there... and know that you can always give me a call!!

BTW... I haven't got your email yet.. Have you taken all the profanity out of it yet?