Saturday, May 26, 2007

Life Change Flip Cards

Last night was our first "Big Event" service at Journey. In my opinion, this service could be considered one of the highest impact services Journey has ever seen. From the intense music and song selection to each video element and every word spoken by a pastor, God is definitely MOVING people this weekend, and changing lives as we've diligently been praying for.

One service element that we're doing for the first time is something called "Life Change Flip Cards." We've asked about 70 people to write 3-4 words on the front side of a piece of poster board, describing their lives before encountering Christ, and on the back, 3-4 words describing their lives after being REDEEMED by Christ! During the service, these people would line up behind the stage, during a song (The Time Has Come by Hillsong United), and they would come out to the center of the stage one at a time, holding up their card to show the BEFORE, and then flipping it over to show the AFTER. They'd all remain on stage and at the end of the song, when everyone was out, they'd all hold up their cards reflecting how God had changed their lives.

During the week, we had a practice where the participants were able to write on their poster board things like "Depressed, and Bound" and on the other side "Joyous, and FREE!" The group that came was, for the most part, pretty eclectic. Young and old, crazy and not so crazy, humble, embarrassed, and some pretty confident and comfortable.

But as they each wrote on these cards how God changed their lives, it was amazing to see the common thread that really created an unorganized, unplanned sense of complete community and even friendship between these folks. EACH person involved had an undeniable encounter with God, and He changed them. And they are completely aware that their life change was a direct result of God's hand of mercy and just a total MIRACLE.

The congregation responded well to this service element, and I'm personally really glad we did it, because it was a huge reminder to me. I'm living life the way I am right now because God changed my heart, and has revealed to me why I exist. I couldn't tell you my exact purpose of existence. Not because I don't know, but because there are too many to try to narrow it down. My "Life Change Flip Card" would look something like this:

I've regretted quite a few decisions I've made over the 25 years of my life, but I can honestly say I've never once regretted the decision I've made to follow Christ. I think that's only because it really wasn't ever MY decision to be changed. It was God's. And I am soooo thankful He desired my heart enough to call me into His Kingdom.


Steve Faiai said...

WOW Babe! that post was awesome and I'm in tears from your description of the event and from your own personal card. I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH and I'm so blessed that i have a front row seat for the rest of my life watching GOD do his thing within you and through you. You're the BEST!!

Sarah said...

I love you two! Ummm why are you up at 4am missy???

And... yes that was quite a presentation last night!! I was bawling because I recognized a lot of words from my own life... before and after. :)

TK said...

I agree about the service last night. I thought it was awesome. Thank you for the work you put into it. All of the worship team sounded great last night.

Thank you for appreciating my hubby too!

Kara said...

Well said! I love how you are so moved by your work. No wonder God put you in ministry.

Heather Hammond said...

This was my favorite part of the service - I've been thinking about it since Friday night and I think it will stay with me into the week. I loved seeing the cards of people I knew - knowing what God has done in their lives - AWESOME!!! I love your card Lauren - I'm gonna think some more about what I would write on mine and maybe I'll share it in a post???