Sunday, July 20, 2008

iPod Juice

One thing my iPod touch doesn't do well is...stay on my arm when I'm running on the treadmill. It's just lame. So my sweet loverman went out and got me a new iPod shuffle. I think he really only bought it for me so that I wouldn't use the largeness of my iTouch as an excuse not to work out...oh worked! I love my shuffle! I love that I can just clip it on my shirt, turn it up LOUD and tune out the kids while I clean my house! Sometimes I even forget my kids are home! Yes, THAT wonderful...until...I find permanent Sharpie marker all over my closet doors. (BTW, does anyone know how to fix that w/o removing paint? And NO, the magic eraser doesn't work.)

Anyway... onto my top five favorite jams, for now:

1. All I Want to Do - Sugarland
(Loved their performance on CMA's)

2. With You - Jessica Simpson
(I forgot about this song until a week ago. Love it!)

3. Jesus Messiah - Chris Tomlin
(We've been rockin' this one on Sunday's. Nice.)

4. I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
(My Aunt Nita has an awesome story about this song - HERE)

5. You'll Come - Hillsong United
(Pretty powerful new one from Brooke.)

Listen to them, buy them, get an iPod shuffle, and ROCK OUT!


Becky said...

"I can say anything, crazy!" Love it.

Sarah said...

Fingernail Polish will get it off of most sealed surfaces (If it is on a painted surface.. be careful cuz the polish will take off the paint too) If that doesn't work, try the bleach pen.. Hannah got some of that on our vinyl floor, and the bleach pen worked.. you have to let it soak for a while.

Good luck! And have fun working out!