Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sick Sweetness

Having a sick child stinks. Watching Cameron in crippled over pain from an ear infection this week has literally crippled me in sympathy for him. Any parent would much rather deal with the pain of a fever or earache than have to watch their child endure it!! It's seriously a form of TORTURE!!! Ugh!!

But...isn't it true, that when our kids are sick, they just become cute to the tenth degree?!?! Of course, I'd rather Cameron not be sick, but the things that came out of that boy's mouth today were just so awesome! I've already called my mom about 4 different times to tell her the things on Cameron's mind. But they just keep coming, so I decided I needed to post about them!

1. I made Cameron cereal this morning. When he was finished he looked at me and said:
Cameron: "Excuse me, Mom?"

Me: "Yes Cameron?"

Cameron: "I hope you won't be mad at me, but I really need to go rest for a little bit."

Me: "I'm not mad at you. Sure you can rest! I want you to rest."

Cameron: "Ok, goodnight mom. I'm not watching cartoons either because then I won't be able to rest."

Me: "Ok. Goodnight, Cameron. I love you."

5 minutes later, I went in to check on him and sure enough...he was out!


2. Putting his shoes on, getting ready to go to the doctor.
Cameron: "Ouch MOM" (he proceeds to hit my arm)

Me: "What happened"?

Cameron: "You pinched my foot, mom!"

Me: "Oh, I'm sorry baby. It was an accident"

Cameron: "It's ok mom. I'm not mad at you. I can't be mad at you because I just love you too too much."

Me: "Thanks Cameron. I love you too too much too."


3. I hear moaning in the bedroom. Cameron is tossing, and turning and moaning, obviously spiking another fever.

Me: "Cameron, Mommy's going to give you some more medicine, ok?!"

Cameron: (half asleep) "No, that's ok, mom. I don't need any medicine. But thanks anyway mom."

Me: "Ok...but you need to take it anyway."

Cameron: "Ok mom. Hey Mom? (still half asleep) When I get better, can I play your Guitar Hero?"

Me: "Sure bud. I love you, Goodnight."

Now...if only the sickness could leave and the sweetness could stay!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Poor baby!!! Put a warm pack on his ear.. that helps. :)